Marquez says it’s “not in my DNA to deliberately crash” in response to Pecco Bagnaia’s accusations.

Alex Marquez Responds to Pecco Bagnaia’s Accusations: “Not in My DNA to Deliberately Crash”

In a fiery exchange between two top MotoGP riders, Alex Marquez has strongly denied accusations from Pecco Bagnaia that he crashed deliberately during their recent race clash. Bagnaia, the reigning MotoGP champion, implied after the incident that Marquez may have intentionally caused the collision that resulted in both riders crashing out of contention.

Marquez, visibly upset by the accusations, responded firmly in a post-race interview. “I would never deliberately crash. It’s not in my DNA,” Marquez stated. He emphasized that his approach to racing is always fair and competitive but never malicious. “I respect Pecco, but I believe this kind of accusation is out of line. I’m here to race, to win, not to crash,” Marquez added.

The crash in question occurred during a tense moment in the race, with both riders battling for position in the middle of the pack. While Bagnaia suggested that Marquez’s actions seemed intentional, Marquez clarified that it was simply a racing incident, worsened by challenging track conditions. “MotoGP is an intense sport, and sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. I lost grip, and unfortunately, we both went down,” he explained.

While the incident has sparked tension between the two riders, Marquez urged fans and fellow competitors to focus on the sport itself rather than speculation. “I understand emotions run high, but we should remember why we’re all here—to compete at the highest level, not to question each other’s integrity,” Marquez concluded.

This incident adds to the ongoing rivalry between the two riders, which will surely keep MotoGP fans watching closely as the season progresses.

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