The most recent person to critique the college football playoff committee is the state attorney general.
The tale of Florida State’s playoff exclusion persists.
Florida’s attorney general, Ashley Moody, formally began investigating the College Football Playoff on Tuesday. Investigating anything that might have had an anticompetitive effect is the focus of this antitrust investigation.
According to The Tampa Bay Times, Moody’s civil investigative demand includes a few requests for information. Among them are:
- Information about communication related to “key players and coaches” during their deliberations.
- The votes by the committee, both individually and collectively, along with notes or any other documents.
- Communication between the committee and the ACC, SEC, ESPN and the NCAA about their thoughts about making the decisions they made.
- Media notes.
- Documents or communications about conferences against an “alternate playoff schedule”.
- Information about boycotting or protesting bowl games or the playoff themselves.
- Internal communication about “the Power 5 conferences and the composition” of bowl games and the playoff.
Moody has given the Playoff committee a deadline of Dec. 26, and the playoff committee is calling that and the list of demands an “overly aggressive reaction.”
“We will carefully review this demand for information,” said Bill Hancock, the playoff executive director. “But it sure seems to be an overly aggressive reaction to a college football ranking in which some fans somewhere were bound to be disappointed.”
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